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If you’re lucky enough to have a spare bedroom put it to use! No point letting it collect dust waiting for your next overnight visitor, transform it into a multi-tasking space. Here are five tips to get the most value out of your spare bedroom:
Create a Flexible Study Space
If your home is short of study space, consider pushing the spare room’s bed against the wall to open up some space for a desk. A desk can double as a bedside table for guests. Be sure to have hidden storage for your study supplies, such as a couple of drawers under the desk, to clear the space for when guests arrive.
Design a Media Space
Everyone loves having a separate space from the main living area for playing games or watching your favourite show, so consider a dedicated place in the spare bedroom. Not only will everyone in the home love it, but so too will guests for some alone time.
Consider a Duel-Purpose Bed
If you want to make your bedroom look less ‘bedroom-like’, turn the bed into a lounge. With an abundance of cushions lined across the wall as a back rest and the bed covered in a throw that impersonates lounge fabric, you can create a lounge-like seat. Store away your pillows and tightly tuck in the doona to disguise the bed for a bench seat.
Utilise Every Last Millimetre
While your master bedroom looks perfectly put together and minimalistic, the same does not need to occur in the spare bedroom. Use the spare bedroom to store and display, books and collections. Secure shelving to the wall or fill the wardrobe for significantly more storage in your home.
Give Your Space Dual-Purpose
A comfortable sofa bed will transform your room from spare bedroom to playroom instantly. To keep toys and clutter away from guests, install high shelving. Also consider adding a trunk which can purpose as a coffee table or storage facility for guests, and can store bedding in the meantime.
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